HMIG acquires 51% of the shares in InnospeXion ApS. Jørgen Tyge Rheinlaender founder and CEO will continue in his current position with now 49% ownership.
Founded in 2000 InnospeXion specializes in developing, producing and selling innovative solutions for the non- destructive on-line quality and process control based on X-ray technology for use in the food industry for instance.
Since establishment, Jørgen Tyge Rheinlaender and employees have developed a strong footing in both local and foreign markets as a respected and worthy partner to their customers. Currently 60 – 80% of revenue Is attributable to exports.
The uniqueness of InnospeXion’s technology is that it permits X-rays of 16 – 64 times sharper than those within the healthcare system. It is so sensitive to detail that within the food production industry it allows for the detection of the smallest fragments glass within a jar of herring, the finest of bones in fish and the tiniest of pebbles in a mixture of dried mushrooms.
InnospeXion is already a solid, well-run company with great capacity for further international growth. HMIG’s ambition is together with Jørgen Tyge Rheinlaender and his dedicated staff to ensure InnospeXion continues to attract and be a striving workplace for the most competent of employees and to facilitate the Company in boosting its revenue and earnings notably in the coming years.
December 12th 2018
HMIG acquires 51% of the shares in InnospeXion ApS. Jørgen Tyge Rheinlaender founder and CEO will continue in his current position with now 49% ownership.
Founded in 2000 InnospeXion specializes in developing, producing and selling innovative solutions for the non- destructive on-line quality and process control based on X-ray technology for use in the food industry for instance.
Since establishment, Jørgen Tyge Rheinlaender and employees have developed a strong footing in both local and foreign markets as a respected and worthy partner to their customers. Currently 60 – 80% of revenue Is attributable to exports.
The uniqueness of InnospeXion’s technology is that it permits X-rays of 16 – 64 times sharper than those within the healthcare system. It is so sensitive to detail that within the food production industry it allows for the detection of the smallest fragments glass within a jar of herring, the finest of bones in fish and the tiniest of pebbles in a mixture of dried mushrooms.
InnospeXion is already a solid, well-run company with great capacity for further international growth. HMIG’s ambition is together with Jørgen Tyge Rheinlaender and his dedicated staff to ensure InnospeXion continues to attract and be a striving workplace for the most competent of employees and to facilitate the Company in boosting its revenue and earnings notably in the coming years.